Unit 2: Language in a Globalized World: Essay

Different languages and how they are used in India is a very unique and interesting situation as we look into the debate of English being the national language and the disputes against this.

A very popular debate and issue in India currently is whether or not English should be the national language. A lot of customs and cultures in India were adopted after their independence, resulting in a more globalized outlook. There is a vast amount of languages spoken throughout India and they are extremely affected based off of region.

This debate not pertains to political perspectives but also on an educational standpoint. There are many different view on teaching English in Indian schools and if it should be mandatory or not. Many argue that it is detrimental to success of standard-level (elementary school) children to learn English in order to operate in their post educational lives, however it is also a prevalent argument that preserving specific languages pertaining to Indian culture is what is best in order to preserve culture.

Language in a Globalized World: Article 2


Microsoft’s operating system Windows XP is now available with Indian languages. This ties in directly to Indian language in a globalized world as it is showing the spread of international use of language in order to create a more widespread use of certain technology; using language as a tool to reach to even further regions.