Unit 3: Immigration and Immobility: Essay

Immigration and Immobility

Immigration and immobility are both very important topics of discussion in any country. Issues of immigration control, and the improper use of immigration for ulterior motives are both large issues that every nation faces and attempts to control. My multimedia project for this section takes a closer look at immigration and immobility throughout the country of India.

Immigration from India for the purposes of marriage is a widespread occurrence. This is seen in the instance of what some consider “bogus” marriages, where citizens of Canada are bringing spouses over from India. This relates to discussions we have had in class where immigration is used in purposes to obtain citizenship. There is a matter of ethical appropriateness when addressing this situation, and it threatens the legitimacy of Canada’s immigration process. Issues such as these pose a huge concern to officials involved in regulating matters such as immigration and its legitimacy.

Unit 3 of my project also takes a closer look at immigrants that have immigrated from India to Canada, and their overall experiences. One woman speaks about her experiences; the trials and tribulations of being a newcomer, and obstacles she was faced with and forced to conquer in order to assimilate to the new culture in Canada. She discusses how she has a sense of allegiance to both countries, however she “found her feet” in the new country and felt a stronger sense of belonging as she could live and experience it’s culture and give back to that country as well. One of the most fascinating pieces of her story to me, was the times she felt she had to sacrifice her own culture in order to live in a different country. She identifies as Indian, yet talks about a basic Canadian culture that everybody in Canada operates by on a daily basis regardless of their origin.

There are also instances of immigration laws being abused, such as the large amount of Bangledeshi immigration into Assam, India. This act of immigration is also presently being used as a political tactic for greater Bangledesh, and being used to sway number of votes in India political elections. This can definitely be seen as an abuse of the power to create immigration rules and regulations, and shows first hand just how easily tampered with these systems are. It shows how crucial laws are when addressing citizenship and immigration, and the role they play in future political turmoil.

Events become more sinister when actions are taken to a physical point, and an election massacre of Muslims occurred over the Indian immigration debate. Masked gunmen ravaged through a village, killing women and children mercilessly and throwing their remains back into their burning households- all over political disagreements in the realm of immigration. This again ties back into our class’s discussion on immigration and border laws, and the pivotal role they play in a country’s overall safety and wellbeing.

Immigration offers many favorable options to those attempting to leave their country in order for self-prosperity or that of their families, however immigration can also create civil unrest if it is not properly regulated and controlled. The benefits of immigration can be seen in examples of Indian immigrants traveling to Canada and forming a new sense of identity in another country. However, severe negatives also arise from this political occurrence and can create extremely unsafe environments for citizens that involve massacres and political warfare.

Unit 3: Immigration and Immobility: Photograph 3

unit 3 picture 3

Passengers flying into India now have to declare over Rs. 10k in new immigration form

New Delhi:  Passengers flying into India will have to declare Indian currency exceeding Rs. 10,000 being brought by them, according to new customs rules which will be implemented from next month.

Source: http://www.abplive.in/india/2014/02/17/article264028.ece/Passengers-flying-into-India-now-have-to-declare-over-Rs.-10k-in-new-immigration-form

Unit 3: Immigration and Immobility: Photograph 2

unit 3 picture 2

‘Election’ massacres of Muslims darken India immigration debate’

NARAYANGURI, India: From his hiding place in a cowshed, Sefaqul Islam watched as masked gunmen moved through his village, shot women and children dead with automatic rifles and tossed wounded survivors into the blazing remains of their homes.

Source: http://www.arabnews.com/news/568331

Unit 3: Immigration and Immobility: Photograph 1

unit 3 picture 1

US immigration bill may change outsourcing biz Mini Joseph Tejaswi & Shilpa Phadnis TNN Bangalore: The formal release of the US Comprehensive Immigration Bill has been delayed on account of the Boston blasts, but elements of it that have came out in various media indicate that Indian IT companies may have to bear significant new costs and be compelled to hire more people locally.

Source: http://www.inszoom.com/2013/04/17/times-of-india-article-on-us-immigration-bill-mentioned-inszoom/

Unit 3: Immigration and Immobility: Article 3


New Delhi: The Home Ministry on Friday suspended an immigration officer at the Delhi airport after a female passenger complained that he allegedly verbally sexually harassed her by asking some offensive questions, adding that a departmental action has also been taken against the accused.